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Mar 11, 2011

Types of Power Plants



Energy comes in various forms but electrical energy is the most convenient form of energy since it can be transported with ease, generated in a number of different ways, and can be converted into mechanical work or heat energy as and when required. In this article we will learn about a few of the most commonly used methods of generating electrical energy.

The Power Plant

Power or energy (let me remind you at this juncture that though the words are used in the synonymous sense here, technically they have somewhat different meanings) is generated in a power plant which is the place where power is generated from a given source. Actually the term “generated” in the previous sentence is a misnomer since energy cannot be created or destroyed but merely changed from one form to the other. More correctly, a power plant can be said to be a place where electrical energy is obtained by converting some other form of energy. The type of energy converted depends on what type of power plant is being considered.

In the industrial use of the word, the term power plant also refers to any arrangement where power is generated. For example the main engine of a ship or an aero plane for that matter. But in the context of this articles (and other articles on this topic), just remember that power plant basically refers to electrical energy generation facility. This leads us to the next question that how many types of power plants are used commonly for electrical energy generation?

Types of Power Plant

There are several different types of power plants used across the world today. Two will be discussed here very briefly since it is not possible to elaborate on different types of power plants in one article, but they shall be taken one by one, in the series. Each of these plants has their own set of advantages and drawbacks from various perspectives and various factors govern which type of power plant is best suited for a particular region or situation. 
Thermal Power Plants 

As the name suggests, these power plants convert heat energy into electrical energy. The working fluid of these plants is mostly steam and they work on the Rankin cycle. A team power plant consists of a boiler which is used to generate the steam from water, a prime mover like a steam turbine to convert the enthalpy of the steam into rotary motion of the turbine which is linked to the alternator to produce electricity. The steam is again condensed in the condenser and fed to the boiler again.:

   Hydro Power Plants

These plants use the kinetic energy of flowing water to rotate the turbine blades, hence converting kinetic energy into electrical energy. These types of power plants are very good for peak loads. Their main disadvantage lies in the fact that their location depends on a number of factors which are beyond the control of human beings such as the hydrological cycle of the region and so forth. If there is shortage of water it could lead to shut down of these plants. For this reason alternative arrangements such as thermal power plants need to be made to ensure uninterrupted generation of power 

Nuclear Power Plants

Control of operation of the nuclear power station involves two things. i.e. regulation of power
Generation to maintain it at a safe and steady level and secondly total shutdown of the reactor very
quickly if needed.
At MAPS, the power is kept constant by
the use of what are known as adjuster
rods. These are stainless steel rods.
When these rods are introduced into
the reactor vessel, the chain reaction
slows down and heat generation drops.
If the control rods are slightly pulled out
of the reactor vessel, the chain reaction
picks up and power level rises. To
shutdown the reactor completely, the heavy water is drained out of the
reactor vessel in a fraction of a second.
In the absence of heavy water in the vessel, the chain reaction ceases Totally.:

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