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Aug 7, 2015

How to boost your Alexa Rank With 4 Months

If you have started blogging soon and  want know how to boost your alexa rank then you must to read this article.

Someone say "Work with hard labor and Smart Creative is worth "
So You have to start your blogging with creative mind and  with creative article.
The Qunatity is making impact on your webpage and alexa rank but it not means that you don't need a Quality artile.
Let Come to know about Alexa ranking...Yes Its important to all blogger , net greek, Tech blogger ,, website and other pages which really want to become popular on Cyber world.
Everyone is now considering your alexa rank that how much your webpage is popular even adses also.. If your blog is popular then Google adsese will put high bid ad on your blog , website, So you are blogging for earn and become popular then you must have a good alexa rank...
What I have mentioned above , all about the aleexa rank advantage.
Let come and know the point you should msut know that

Behind of Alexa Rnak :-

Alexa is web analyst .it ranking you website, blog after counting visitor who have visited on your blog , but its only count those visitor whose have installed alexa tool bar in their blogs, website,For Example: If  I have installed alexa tool bar in my blog and i visited to your blog then you will have one alexa visitor .However alexa is not countinh how much article you have posted till now , how much backlink you have , you much comment you have !
Till now the ranking only depend upon the alexa vistor , if you have 100- 200 alexa installed visitor then you will have boost your rank under 100,000 in the next month.

But you want  agrank of below 50000, Then you msut have 200-250 visitor per day.
To get alexa below 20,000 you need to get around 400-500 visitor per day!
Yeah!! if you want become more popular and want that your website and blog comes under 10,000 then you need around 600-900 visitor and to below 5000 alexa rank you shoud have 15000-2000 Visitor on your blog, websites,
 How you will gets such visitor and from where ? you might be thinking such qustions. Do'nt worry !!
you know how much your are hurry to boost your alexa rank ,, same other blogger , webiste greeks,SEO, Designer they all have installed alexa tool bar on their websites,blogs . 

Need a Quantities with Qualities.:-
If you are blogging then you should be aware about the quality of your post , visitor will only read your article if they get their Answer about query .So Quality is the KING"
But Quantity is Queen , Suppose You have only one Post with Quality then How Many Visitor will visit to your blog , Very Less. Because you have posted only answer of one perticular query.
So for a good alexa ranking you need quantity with quality products. Let know about some stats.
400-500 Quality article                                             100000 Alexa Rank 
500 -800 Quality articles                                            80000 Alexa Rank
800- 1200 Quality articles                                           50000 Alexa Rank 
12000-2000 Quality articles                                        20000 Alexa Rank
2000-3000 Quality articles                                         10000 Alexa Rank 
3000-6000 Quality article                                           8000 Alexa Rank 
6000-10000 Quality article                                          5000 Alexa Rank 

As well as you are boosting your alexa rank you might have a tough competition with existing top rankers. So after having a good rank your rank will boost but slowly slowly 
If your Visitor visting regularly the once you will be top rank performer.

Build a better Social Pedia:-
As we all are part of social media , and can't stay a single mintues without social media , same happens with other peoples ,don't be keep depending upon only search engine , Need to attract peoples thorugh social media. Here I am listing some social media names which will help to boost your rank 
Google +:- Build followers, Create a Page 
Facebook :- Build Likes
Twitter :- Build Followers
Redit :- Build Followers
Networked blogs 
Linkendn :- Build Share

Keep Posting Regularly :-
If you build your website and blog to earn then you might have do some labour with creative mind, because Money will not come without labour,
With Hard labour You alos have Smat Thinking which lead to generate High Pageview . So keep Blogging daily !
 Post atleast 3- 5  aticles daily, If you will follow it then lets see some stats
5*30 = 150/Monthly 
150*12 = 1800 /yearly 
For these 5 article you required only 2- 3 Hours of Your Day , I don't think you can't managed such times if you are keen to become a blogger.
Be Smart Thinker while chosing keywords:-
As i already told you Quality is King and Quantity is Queen. So while Chosing your Keywords think Creative , Chose Those keywords which is making high bid and higly searched on Search Engine.Go to your Google Keywords planner . there you will get all information about high , low,and  medium bid keywords and its searching stats
Some keywords which has high bids and higly Searchble 
Car Insurance 
Online Money  ( Marketing Blogs)
Apple , Mac ( Tech Blogs)
Tech News
3D Printing ( Tech Blogs)
Web Hosting 
Hire Content Writter and Learn about New SEO Technique:-
If you don't have much time for blogging then hire good content writter who have some perior experinces then they will help to bost your Alexa as well  post  quality articles.
See Some Stats 
2 Content Writter :- 10+10 Quality articles Post = 20 articles/Day
20*30 = 600 articles/Monthly
600*12 = 7200 articles /Yearly
Make Popular Youself too.:- Through Social Newtork You can do such things. if you aree becoming popular then peoples will start keen intrest in your things , Same like Celebrities and Sport Persons. We are following them because they are so popular among us.
Note :- Some Good Idea can make you rich then why should not dig it..Go through with natural way and make your destiny !!
Thanks !!
Please Give your Suggestion !!

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