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Apr 19, 2015

Indian History Question Objective For IBPS Exam

Q1 Chandragupta figured prominenty in book?
(a)  Vishkhalldata
(b)  Sudraka
(c)   Bbhas
(d)  Aswaghosa
Q2 The description of the admistration of patliputra is avaialbale in?
(a)  Divyavadan
(b)  Arthashastra
(c)   Indica
(d)  Ashoka’s inscription
Q3 Language used in the inscription of ashoka is ?
(a)  Sanskrit
(b)  Prakrit
(c)   Pali
(d)  Hindi
Q4 Who was the founder of gupta dynasty ?
(a)  Chandragupta I
(b)  Srigupta
(c)   Samudragupta
(d)  Skandgupta
Q5 Smaundragupta has given the first Indian napoleon by historian?
(a)  Romila thapar
(b)  V.A smith
(c)   R.C Mazumdar
(d)  R.S Sharma.
Q6 Sudraka ‘s mrichhakatikam ‘is  a
(a)  Drama
(b)  Novel
(c)   Poem
(d)  Short story
Q7 Who was the court poet of  samadra gupta?
(a)  Asvaghosa
(b)  Nagarjun
(c)   Aryabhatta
(d)  Harisena
Q8  The prayage inscription is associated with ?
(a)  Mahapadmananda
(b)  Chandragupta maurya
(c)   Ashoka
(d)  Samundragupta
Q9 The silver coin of gupta period was known as ?
(a)  Dinar
(b)  Rupyaka
(c)   Satamana
(d)  Karsharpana
Q10  Which was king who called napoleon of inda ?
(a)  Samundragupta
(b)  Chnadragupta
(c)   Srigupta
(d)  Chandragupta I
Q11 Who among organised ashwamedha yajna?
(a)  Ajatashatru
(b)  Ashoka
(c)   Samundragupta
(d)  Chandragupta
Q12 Which one of the following period was the beginning of architecture of temple?
(a)  Nanda
(b)  Maurya
(c)   Gupta
(d)  Sunga
Q13 During which dynasty kalidas was?
(a)  Maurya
(b)  Sungas
(c)   Gupta
(d)  Vardhan
Q14 In which century the famous chineses pilgrim Fahien visit india?
(a)  4th century AD
(b)  5th century AD
(c)   6 th century AD
(d)  7Th century AD
Q15 The six ditrict school of Indian philosophy become fully articulated during the ?
(a)  Vedic age
(b)  Gupta age
(c)   Kushana age
(d)  Maurya age
Q16 Mirchhankatika was written by ?
(a)  Vikaramaditya
(b)  Kalhana
(c)   Sudraka
(d)  Banabhatta
Q17  Which was the following official language of gupta period?
(a)  Pali
(b)  Magadhi
(c)   Prakrit
(d)  Snaskrit
Q18 Aryabhatta and varahmihira belongs  to which age ?
(a)  Gupta
(b)  Cholas
(c)   Maurya
(d)  Mughals
Q19 The decimal numbers system including the concept of zero was invented in the india during which age of following dynasty ?
(a)  Saka
(b)  Gupta
(c)   Pala
(d)  Chola
Q20 In the courtyard of the Quwwat –ul-islam maosque of the delhi stands the famous iron pillar in the memory of ?
(a)  Ashoka
(b)  Chandra
(c)   Harsha
(d)  Anangpal

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